Father:    Emmanuel Chell
   Born:    1870, England      Marr:    1892      Died:    1939, England
 Mother:    Emily Bendall
   Born:    1873, England      Died:    1941, England
 Frank Duxbury    
   Born:      - 
   Marr:    BET JAN 1920 AND MAR 1920  - Chorley, Lancashire, England
   Died:      - 
 Other Spouses:    
 Agnes Chell      
   Born:    22 MAR 1895  - Belper, Derbyshire, England
   Died:    BET JAN 1980 AND MAR 1980  - Keighley, Yorkshire, England
 Other Spouses:    
 1.    Cissie Duxbury   
   Born:    16 SEP 1921  - Chorley, Lancashire, England
   Marr:    1950  - Brian Ayrey  
   Died:     MAR 1988  - Keighley, Yorkshire, England
 2.    Emma Duxbury
   Born:     Private  - 
   Marr:     Private  - David Hawtin  
   Died:      - 
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